Here are some common ports and their usual services (there are a lot more):

   Port number                Common service        Example daemon (d stands for daemon)
           21                        FTP                                         FTPd
           23                        Telnet                                      telnetd
           25                        SMTP                                      sendmail (yes!)
           80                        HTTP                                       apache
           110                      POP3                                       qpop

Hacking - 3
                             TCP ports and scanning
Do you got your stealth linux box connected to the internet
(not aol)?
Have you read the manual as i told you?

Then we shall start with the damn real thing.

First of all, you should know some things about the internet.
It's based on the TPC/IP protocol,
(and others)

It works like this: every box has 65k connection PORTS. some
of them are opened and waiting for
your data to be sent.

So you can open a connection and send data to any these
ports. Those ports are associated with
a service:

Every service is hosted by a DAEMON. Commonly, a daemon
or a server is a program that runs
on the box, opens its port and offers their damn service.

when you visit the website, your browser does this:
-it connects to the TCP port 80
-it sends the string: "GET /HTTP/1.1 /luser/index.html" plus two 'intro'
  (it really sends a lot of things more, but that is the essential)
-the host sends the html file

The cool thing of daemons is they have really serious security bugs.

That's why we want to know what daemons are running there, so...

We need to know what ports are opened in the box we want to hack.

How could we get that information?

We gotta use a scanner. A scanner is a program that tries to
connect to every port on the box and tells which of them are opened.

The best scanner i can think of is nmap, created by Fyodor.
You can get nmap from my site in tarball or rpm format.

Let's install nmap from an .rpm packet.

    bash-2.03$ rpm -i nmap-2.53-1.i386.rpm

then we run it:

    bash-2.03$ nmap -sS

    Starting nmap V. 2.53 by ( )
    Interesting ports on (xx.xx.xx.xx):
    (The 1518 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
    Port       State       Service
    21/tcp     open        ftp
    23/tcp     open        telnet
    25/tcp     open        smtp
    80/tcp     open        http
    110/tcp    open        pop3

    Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 34 seconds

Nmap has told us which ports are opened on and thus, what services it's offering.

I know, i said telnet is a service but is also a program (don't let this confuse you).
This program can open a TCP connection to the port you specify.

So lets see what's on that ports.

On your linux console, type:

    bash-2.03$ telnet 21
    Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 FTP server (SunOS 5.6) ready.
    221 Goodbye.
    Connection closed by foreign host.

You see?
They speak out some valuable information:
-their operating system is SunOS 5.6
-their FTP daemon is the standard provided by the OS.

    bash-2.03$ telnet 25
    Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.0/8.9.3; Sun, 24 Sep 2000 09:18:14 -0
    400 (EDT)
    221 2.0.0 closing connection
    Connection closed by foreign host.

They like to tell us everything:
-their SMTP daemon is sendmail
-its version is 8.11.0/8.9.3

Experiment with other ports to discover other daemons.

Why is this information useful to us? cause the security bugs that can let us in depend
on the OS and daemons they are running.

But there is a problem here... such information can be faked!

It's difficult to really know what daemons are they running, but we can know FOR SURE
what's the operating system:

    bash-2.03$ nmap -sS

    Starting nmap V. 2.53 by ( )
    Interesting ports on (xx.xx.xx.xx):
    (The 1518 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
    Port       State       Service
    21/tcp     open        ftp
    23/tcp     open        telnet
    25/tcp     open        smtp
    80/tcp     open        http
    110/tcp    open        pop3

    TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
                             Difficulty=937544 (Good luck!)
    Remote operating system guess: Linux 2.1.122 - 2.2.14

    Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 34 seconds

Hey wasn't it SunOS 5.6? Damn they're a bunch of lame fakers!
We know the host is running the Linux 2.x kernel. It'd be useful to know also the distribution,
but the information we've already gathered should be enough.

This nmap feature is cool, isn't it? So even if they've tried to fool us, we can know
what's the OS there and its very difficult to avoid it.

Also take a look to the TCP Sequence Prediction. If you scan a host and nmap tells
you their difficulty is low, that means their TCP sequence is predictable and we
can make spoofing attacks. This usually happens with windoze (9x or NT) boxes.

Ok, we've scanned the target. If the admins detect we've scanned them, they could get angry.
And we don't want the admins to get angry with us, that's why we used the -sS option.
This way (most) hosts don't detect ANYTHING from the portscan.
Anyway, scanning is LEGAL so you shouldn't have any problems with it. If you want a better
usage of nmap's features, read its main page:    bash-2.03$ man nmap

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